Career Connect NW Partners

Career Connect NW provides an environment for our community to work together to prepare future generations for economic success. 

Through leadership and partnerships, we promote excellence, innovation, equity and opportunity.

A catalyst for action and results

Today’s jobs require some kind of training or education beyond high school. However, too many students are leaving high school without ever getting the chance to learn about, or prepare for, real jobs. Even throughout their 20s, too many young people don’t know what jobs are “out there” or how to prepare for them. This is true whether they go straight to a 4-year college or not.

At the same time, many Washington employers are hiring people from outside our state because they can’t find local residents with the right training or qualifications. The state expects 740,000 job openings over the next five years – almost three quarters of which require a credential beyond high school.

Career Connect NW  successfully connects educators, business leaders and the community and serve as a model for innovative thinking, action and successful results. 

Let’s meet so we can: 

+ Maximize Our Resources

+Partner on Career-Related Events 

+ Collaborate Across the Region

Learn more about our current partners here.

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